Using a command line
- Open Command Prompt.
- Type: diskpart
- At the DISKPART prompt, type: list disk
Make note of the disk number of the disk from which you want to delete the partition.
- At the DISKPART prompt, type: select diskn
Select the disk n from which you want to delete the partition.
- At the DISKPART prompt, type: list partition
Make note of the number of the partition that you want to delete.
- At the DISKPART prompt, type: select partitionn
Select the partition n that you want to delete.
- At the DISKPART prompt, type: delete partition
- Deleting a partition on a dynamic disk can delete all dynamic volumes on the disk, thus leaving the disk in a corrupt state. To delete a dynamic volume, use the delete volume command instead. For instructions on how to delete a dynamic volume, see Related Topics.
- When you delete a partition, all data on that deleted partition or logical drive is lost.
- You cannot recover deleted partitions or logical drives.
list disk - Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and
whether the disk uses the master boot record ﴾MBR﴿ or GUID partition table ﴾GPT﴿ partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk ﴾*﴿ has focus.
select disk - Selects the specified disk, where n is the disk number, and gives it focus.
list partition - Displays the partitions listed in the partition table of the current disk.
select partition - Selects the specified partition and gives it focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus.
delete partition - On a basic disk, deletes the partition with focus. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active
paging file or crash dump ﴾memory dump﴿.