Windows Installation

The SPX install includes both the SPX console and the SPX agent. This is unlike past versions of ShadowProtect which had the option to install either or both.

Supported Windows Versions

Specific operating system support is dependent upon the SPX license that you purchase--Desktop, Server, Small Business, or Virtual. SPX supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of many Windows operating systems. 

System Requirements 

Component and SPX Requirement

CPU 300 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU

Memory The greater of 256 MB or the Operating System minimum

Hard drive space 50 MB free disk space

CD-ROM or DVD drive Required only for CD installs or for using the Recovery Environment

Monitor VGA or higher resolution

Internet Connection Required for seamless upgrades from ShadowProtect 5.x.

Port SPX requires Port 8282 open for activation.

Hyper-V Plugin Requires a system running Windows Server 2012 R2 and is acting in a server role.

Warning: SPX does not support taking backups from USB flash drives. It does support external drives connected via USB or internal SSD drives. Use ShadowProtect 5.x if a system requires backing up a flash drive.

32- and 64-bit Installers

SPX provides 32- and 64-bit Windows installers for Standard and GPO installs. (This is different from the Linux version which ships in a 64-bit version only.) Points to remember:

• SPX requires the correct bit-level installer for the OS. If the OS is 32-bit, use the 32-bit SPX installer. If the OS is 64-bit, use the 64-bit installer.

• The default installation path for 32-bit Windows is Program Files (x86)\StorageCraft\spx. The default for the 64-bit version is Program Files\StorageCraft\spx.

• The standard installers work for manual and silent installs using scripts. The Windows GPO installers work when using a Group Policy to install SPX.

• The Windows GPO installer filenames end with "GP" to distinguish them from the Standard installers. For example:




To install SPX on a Windows system:

1. Download and run the appropriate bit-level SPX Windows standard installer.

2. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the install.

3. If this is a new (and not upgrade) install, request a Trial key when asked.

4. Copy the Trial key from the StorageCraft trial response page (or email) into the activation dialog.

5. Click Done.

6. Log into a Local Session using credentials for a user who is a member of the Windows Local Admin group. (A user who has Administrator privileges.)

7. Configure a destination and a backup job.

Recovery Environment

The 64-bit Recovery Environment CrossPlatform (RE-X) supports restorations of both Windows and Linux boot volumes. Use the REBuilder app to create the 64-bit Windows Recovery Environment if the restore requires additional driver support. (StorageCraft recommends using the 32-bit Recovery Environment only when required by the destination hardware.)

OS Upgrades

You need to deactivate the ShadowProtect SPX license and uninstall the software prior to upgrading an existing Windows system to a newer version. For example, do an uninstall of SPX when upgrading a Windows 7 system to Windows 8 or a Windows 8 to Windows 8 Pro or to Windows 10. After the OS upgrade, reinstall ShadowProtect and reactivate the license. While the system preserves backup job configurations and other ShadowProtect settings and could continue an existing back chain, a best practice is to always create a new backup job after the upgrade rather than continue the older, existing chain.